Friday, February 13, 2009


Valentine's Day is approaching fast and by fast I mean tomorrow. I know it can be somewhat of a sour day for us single folks but it doesn't have to be. I have spent pretty much every Valentine's Day alone and I have always enjoyed myself. I believe Valentine's day can include your loved ones, such as family and friends, not just those you have romantic feelings for. So I make sure I spend time or call those that are near and dear. Just because you don't have a "Valentine" doesn't mean it's the end of the world, go out with friends or family, or go out by yourself to a place you know too many people won't be "boo'ed" up, like a dive bar. LOL!! Well anyway I hope you all enjoy your Valentine's Day and remember that even if you don't have a significant other you are still loved by many!!!
-Peace and Blessings

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Having a bad hair week!!!

Oh my hair has been trippin' lately. It's like no matter what style I try it looks a mess. I'm actually ok with it looking a mess but I miss when I was having good hair days for weeks at a time. I tried two-strand twist a couple weeks back, they looked a mess...I tried flat twist to the back on dry hair, I put entirely too much coconut oil on my hair, and my hair looked a greasy mess...I tried finger coils and the right side of my head looked so cute but the left side was on some other looked a mess. I'm tired of wigs, I'm tired of puffs, I'm tired of my failed attempts at styling my hair. I think I'm going to attempt my afro again, it came out so great that one time let's see if lightning can strike twice. I added a pic of it the cute fro...Let's hope I can duplicate it.