Oh my hair has been trippin' lately. It's like no matter what style I try it looks a mess. I'm actually ok with it looking a mess but I miss when I was having good hair days for weeks at a time. I tried two-strand twist a couple weeks back, they looked a mess...I tried flat twist to the back on dry hair, I put entirely too much coconut oil on my hair, and my hair looked a greasy mess...I tried finger coils and the right side of my head looked so cute but the left side was on some other ish...it looked a mess. I'm tired of wigs, I'm tired of puffs, I'm tired of my failed attempts at styling my hair. I think I'm going to attempt my afro again, it came out so great that one time let's see if lightning can strike twice. I added a pic of it the cute fro...Let's hope I can duplicate it.
my hair has those periods once in a while where nothing will work too. i don't know why!!! it's almost like it goes through an rebellion period. it's weird. of course my hair is not nature....i'm to chicken.
Yep I can totally relate to that too. Your hair does look lovely in that pic though
Your hair looks really cute :)
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