Saturday, January 24, 2009

2009 Resolutions

Yeah, yeah I know this is hella late, but better late than never right?

I always have these resolutions that I never ever follow through on, but I have decided to really be dedicated to taking care of myself and my feelings. Normally I put everyone and their wants and needs ahead of mine and while nothing is wrong with that, I have done it to the detriment of my spirit, which has been in a state of chaos for the last couple of years. I have all these big hopes and dreams for myself and my relationships. But how can I expect anyone to love me correctly when I don’t love myself, or how can I expect people to follow through on their promises when I can’t even do what I promised myself.

So the obvious one is to take care of myself. That means working out, eating healthily, meditating, praying, etc.

To practice the Law of Attraction consistently…It really works and when I was on it and practicing everyday, it helped me out so much.

I would like to go out socially at least twice a month, whether it be with friends or by myself. I spend a lot of time alone and I enjoy my own company but I need to get out meet some new people and have fun with the friends I already have.

Nurture the friendships I do have. Sometimes I can isolate myself from those that I love. Typical of me when I’m having man problems, money problems, family problems whatever. I followed the mantra that I came here alone and I will die alone, but I have realized that doesn’t mean I have to spend my life alone. I’m going to try to be a better friend, less selfish, more compassionate.

Develop my relationship with God, I wondered what was lacking in my life the most and truly this is it. I have slacked seriously.

Stop feeling guilty about the mistakes I have made… I truly have to forgive myself for my past and because I haven’t it affects me and how I feel about myself.

And last but not least stay FOCUSED on my goals, which I will list at a later time.


Anonymous said...

I like your resolutions. I think that they are doable. Best of luck to you.

Mz. SassynKlassy said...

You're making a good list of resolutions!! Keep your head up and consistently stay focused!! You'll get there! I hope you have a great year!! Hey your pic is sooo kute by the way!! I love those coils!! Mwah
